Friday, July 23, 2010

History Of Cotton Candy

Whaaa, merry go round, circus, amusement park, fun fun fun!... thats what i'm thinking when i hear "Cotton Candy" floss of sugar umm yumm, every kids loves it, i still loves it so much, pink sweet ooo maama i want that candyy, It is treasured memories of sticky hands and faces!  Yaaaay!.... :D  

Candy Become Floss How Come ?

Cotton candy is essentially sugar, water and corn syrup that is boiled and quickly spun. This practice dates back to the 14th century when chefs in noble households would spin sugar into extravagant desserts! Originally, it was a somewhat dangerous occupation with chefs suffering painful burns for their 'art'. The practice is still in use in top restaurants around the world with famous chefs creating incredible structures from sugar.

Improvements in sugar production methods over the centuries meant more production and lower prices. Once reserved for the few, such as Europe's nobility, sugar become affordable and available for everyone.

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 Throughout the 1800s, the quality of sugar improved and spinning sugar became easier, if not less dangerous. The process of boiling sugar with water and a few other secret ingredients became more widespread. Cooks used only the best cane sugar and copper bowls, and used to oil their skin to stop the blisteringly hot liquid from sticking to them. Once the mixture was ready, the cook had precious few moments to plunge in their fork or whisk, grab a glob and literally fling it through the air! The strands would cool and quickly solidify as they flew through the air. Hey Presto! Spun sugar!

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It made its first real public appearance at the renowned St Louis World's Fair in 1904. Unsurprisingly, it was a huge hit. However, it was not on sticks or even in bags, it was in boxes, of which 68,655 were sold - even at 25 cents, a fairly expensive price for the time.

Just a year later, American Thomas Patton patented a different machine. He took his invention to Ringling Bros., and cotton candy became a fundamental part of the wonderful adventure of a trip to the Circus.

The granulated sugar that we know today became widely available shortly after World War I and now special sugar is used to give longer strands and a fluffier texture. Today, at venues across the world, the secret recipe is added to a large drum and swirled onto sticks or tubes and handed down to the eagerly waiting little hands.

New machines, invented in the 1970s were able to mass produce huge bulks of cotton candy which could be cut. These are the ones used to produce the bags of cotton candy available in stores.

Recent developments include adding flavors, such as ice cream or bubble gum. This may please some but real aficionados will stick to pure sugar, (preferably pink!).

Another recent development is the invention of machines for home use. So lovers of cotton candy can make their own at home with these small machines. These come with everything you need to create the perfect cotton candy - except the circus! offers a wide range of possibilities for businesses, schools or concessionaires. Visit them online for more information on their popcorn machine, snow cone machines or cotton candy machines.

The articles is come from :

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