Wednesday, May 4, 2011

History Of Cassava Chips

Cassava Chips????? what is cassava chips? and what is cassava?? if you don't know about cassava, ask your Indonesian, African, East Asia, and Caribbean friends, they might know about this snack. the history of cassava chips will be a lots because is a traditional snack food, that is already been in some tropic country for a loong time ago... and i'll give you the journey of cassava chips

the Journey of Cassava chips is begin with Cassava plant, what is cassava? cassava is :

Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called yuca or manioc, a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America, is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Nigeria is the world's largest producer of cassava.
Cassava is the third-largest source of carbohydrates for meals in the world.[1][2] It is classified as sweet or bitter, depending on the level of toxic cyanogenic glucosides; improper preparation of bitter cassava causes a disease called konzo. Nevertheless, farmers often prefer the bitter varieties because they deter pests, animals, and thieves.[3]
Cassava is sometimes spelled cassaba or cassada.[4] In English-language publications, the plant may be occasionally called by local names, such as mandioca, aipim, or macaxeira (Brazil), yuca (El Salvador, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela), mandi´o (Paraguay), akpu, ege , ugburu, nto-roro or ukuduk (Nigeria), bankye (Ghana), bananku (Mali and other parts of West Africa), mogo or mihogo (Swahili-speaking Africa), pondu in (Lingala-speaking Africa), kappa (India), maniokka (Sri Lanka), singkong (Indonesia), ubi kayu (Malaysia), kamoteng kahoy or balanghoy (Philippines), mushu (China), man sampalang (Thailand),karapendalam (Telegu), củ sắn or khoai mì (Vietnam), and manioke , tapioka or manioka (Polynesia).[5]

and will be crisp and yumm like this :

yub  in fact that i have in cassava chips is helthy snack for those with allergies or glutten sensitive, because (in articles) The flour of the cassava root, also known as tapioca flour or tapioca starch, is a very good wheat alternative for those with wheat allergies or celiac disease.

Gluten is the culprit in these diseases and can be difficult to avoid given that it is naturally occurring in many whole grains such as wheat, rye, barley and oats.

The number of people, including children, who are experiencing gluten intolerance is on the rise, increasing the demand for gluten-free products.

Anyone who has ever tried to eliminate wheat or gluten from their diet knows what a challenge it can be to find replacement foods that are satisfying and actually taste good.

When made into a snack food, the delicate flavor and crunchy texture of cassava chips make this a welcome alternative.

These gluten-free chips also have 40% less fat than the average potato chips, making cassava chips a snack that even the most diet conscious can afford to indulge in on occasion.

Nutritionally speaking…
Cassava contains significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. It is purported to have anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties and was used medicinally by the Native American Indians in a number of ways. Today it is sometimes used to treat arthritis, stomach disorders and even diabetes.

Cassava chips is have a texture that crunchier than a potato chips, and you can mix with a lot of various spice, like barbecue powder, or just sprinkle of salt, but in traditional ways, you can mix it with chili and in Indonesia, also known as Keripik Singkong Balado, which is traditional snack from Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, soo spicy, hot and make your tongue burn hahaha....

that is the picture of spicy cassava chips, this is recipe of chili cassava chips that i already search in google,  and i found in this web

Cassava Chips Balado Recipe (Indonesian Recipe)


     * 500 grams of cassava, thinly sliced
     * 1 teaspoon water whiting
     * 1 teaspoon salt
     * 750 ml water

Cassava Chips Balado Recipe Ingredients:

     * 5 red onions, coarse ground
     * 5 large red chilies, crushed coarse
     * 5 pieces of curly red chilli, pounded rough
     * 2 bay leaves
     * 1 teaspoon salt
     * 50 grams sugar
     * 1 tablespoon tamarind water (from 1 / 2 teaspoon tamarind and 2 tablespoons water, dissolved)
     * 3 tablespoons cooking oil
     * oil for frying

How to Make Cassava Chips Balado:

    1. Soak in water solution cassava whiting, salt, and water. Let stand 15 minutes. Rinse clean.
    2. Drain the cassava. Fry in medium hot oil until cooked and dry.
    3. Saute onions, red peppers large, curly red pepper, and bay leaves until fragrant.
    4. Add salt, sugar, and tamarind water. Stir until thick.
    5. Add fried cassava. Stir until evenly dressed.

For 400 grams


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