Friday, May 6, 2011

History Of Corn Puffs

Puffy, yummy and extremely popular snack, maybe every children know well this snack, with a lot of varieties of shape like curly, ball-shaped, straight and many more.

These crispy snacks sometimes referred to as corn curls or cheese puffs are made from cornmeal, The cheese extrusion itself is generally made from two primary ingredients: cornmeal and water. All other ingredients are sprayed or applied to the corn curl after it leaves the extruder and is dried. The coatings vary greatly according to flavor and the manufacturer.
Soybean and/or cottonseed and/or coconut oil may be sprayed on the extrusions. Then, powders such as cheddar cheese powders, acid whey powder, artificial cheese flavor, salt, and other spices are often applied over the oil. and when we drop in our mouth its puffy and airy and we can resist licking our finger after it.

corn puffs

Corn Puff have been a popular American snack food since the 1950s, and invented in the United States of America in the 1930s;  The invention of the cheese curl was quite serendipitous. During the 1930s, the Flakall Company that produced corn-based feed for livestock sought a way to produce feed that did not contain sharp hulls and grain dust and eventually produced a machine that broke the grain into small pieces by flaking it. The Flakall Company became successful manufacturers of flaked feed. One day as Edward Wilson was working as a flake operator at the Flakall Company (Flakall Corporation of Beloit, Wisconsin (a producer of flaked, partially-cooked animal feed), he noticed that workers poured moistened corn kernels into the machine to reduce clogging.  He found that when the flaking machine ran continuously it made parts of it quite hot. The moistened cornmeal came out of the machine in puffy ribbons, hardened as it hit the air, and fell to the ground. Wilson took the ribbons home, added oil and flavor and made the first cheese curls.

The company ran another flaker just for the production of Korn Kurls. By 1950, the Adams Corporation was mass-producing the Korn Kurl. There were dozens of small snack companies that followed the Adams Corporation and produced cheese curls, with many devising their special shape using innovative dies for their extruded snacks. Today, perhaps the most popular cheese snacks are produced by Frito-Lay although they did not offer any such snacks until 1980. This company offers the product in a variety of shapes and flavorings (including one that is flavored with cayenne pepper). Despite their minimal nutritional value (they are high in calories and fat and offer little fiber or protein), they are quite popular. It is estimated that 82% of Americans with families have eaten cheese curls at some point.

Another account claims they were invented by the Elmer Candy Corporation of New Orleans, Louisiana some time during or prior to 1936 at which time the sales manager for Elmer’s, Morel M. Elmer, Sr., decided to hold a contest in New Orleans to give this successful product a name. The winning name "CheeWees" is still being used today by the manufacturing company, Elmer's Fine Foods.

enjoy your corn puffs :D


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  1. "Today, perhaps the most popular cheese snacks are produced by Frito-Lay although they did not offer any such snacks until 1980."

    Maybe I'm mis-undertanding this statement, but didn't the Frito company make Cheetos? I remember those in the 1960's.

  2. We had, in Canada, what I recall as Cheese Corn. You could taste the cheesiness but it was not not overly salted as the stuff you get now-a-days. Cheetos had bear paws, wagon wheels and a square shape as short time specials, I believe, that were similar. I keep hoping they would come back.
